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Prism Technology is established since 1996 to provide IT solution enabled to small, mid level corporate sector and the startup companies. 24 years vast experienced website designing and IT service company in Nagercoil, Chennai and Bangalore. Our objective is making web design with impress the vital touch of website designing. It helps them for streamline administration, improve operational efficiency, enhance productivity, manage the effective competition, enlarge the business market and facilitate overall business growth. Prism Technology is the best software development and the highest professional web designing company.

Prism Technology is a software development company to be found at Nagercoil in India. Nagercoil is the capital of Kanyakumari district. Our representative offices are at Bangalore and Chennai. Since 2007 it has been grown from a small team of professional software engineers and business managers to full-fledged web design, web application and mobile apps' development company along with website developers, website designers, and quality assurance controlled engineers and project managers. Prism Technology is specializing world-class mobile apps development and crystal clear responsive website design.

Prism Technology has successfully completed over 400 projects and has thousands of smiling customers from 10+ countries across the world. Prism Technology starts as web designing and web application projects with graphics design because it allows assessing the density and the financial plan of development.

Our main objective is making design so spontaneous that the user would understand and impressed the essential touch of website designing and web development. That's how we meet the needs of end users products. Our software development engineer's work force and ability would make you confident about it. We have a creative design with cost-effective venture and significantly reduce risk of mistakes and in excess of pays. We make straightforward business goals of the products when we congregate and revise the business necessities. As a result, we work for accomplish the best software solution by on-time website deliverance; design takes short time depending on your web designing, web application development, digital marketing and mobile apps respectively.

Unique WEB Design AND Crystal clear programming

computer for web designing

Prism Technology Web Design and Application Development Company offer its customers to develop their existing and new web design and applications, growing its output and profitability and brand stability. Prism Technology IT (Information Technology) software engineers services follow a well distinct and skillful programming process including complete web design and web application development life cycle process to ensure total IT Solution developed is a guaranteed Quality product. We powered by IT Professionals and Technology domain experts with strong knowledge in provided that effective Custom Software Solutions, ensuring your Application developed is well responsive in any environment meeting all the challenges.

web design programing coding


Coding is very much important for loading the web site quickly and SEO compatibility in browser. Crystal clear coding is ready.

animation programing web development


Animation is an art of all the web sites, at the same time crowded animation will block your web site performance.

responsive website designing


Today, everyone gets the information through their smart phone. The web site is in mobile compatibility mode you will get more customers.

quick connectivity with server


Web site must be connected with server in a particular time. If not, display as "PAGE NOT FOUND - 404" error. Connectivity is more important.

What We Offer

Prism Technology is organized with a group of IT expert web designers and web application developers providing quality web designing and total web development services. We take immense pleasure in building long lasting relationships with each and every our clients. We blend strong interaction and communication skills with creativity, stunning web design, attractive color theme, expert IT service professionals and technical know-how's.

it service company bullets web design programing bullets
  • web site design and development with cost effective.
  • Accurate responsive (Mobile Compatibility) web designing.
  • Custom online application development with multi task.
  • E-commerce and gate way payment processing integration.
it company bullets web design programing bullets
  • Database driven web application development and integration.
  • CMS - Content management system web designing.
  • Web site re-designing with responsive. (Mobile Compatibility).
  • Web site maintenance with AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract).


website client communication


website client communication

We will communicate with customers and explain very clearly all the technology aspects either the customer aware of technology backing or not.

web designing contract


web designing contract

Prism Technology made a contract in-between customer for fixing amount and terms & conditions and customer needs with our promising services.

domain registration and hosting


domain registration and hosting

We will complete the processing of domain registration, enough hosting space and e-mail ID's as per customer requested.

web design project discussion


web design project discussion

Executives gathered information and photos from the clients. Project manager will discussed with software engineer regarding design, color and wireframe.

latest web technology


latest web technology

Our project manager chooses the apt technology for the customer's project as well as our company update "Today's World Latest Technology".

web design and programming


website designing and programming

Project manager allocate desired work to the certain team leader. He distributes the project concern design and programming engineers.

client website demo


client website demo

The demo web site is customer review purpose only. The primary stage of customer's satisfaction is "CLIENT DEMO".

website modifications


website modifications

Our engineers modify the website after getting review from customer, if customer wants to add more for their satisfaction.

web browser testing


web browser testing

After the customer satisfaction our software engineers check the web site in the entire browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla fir fox etc…

website client approval


website client approval

Completing all the process of web site development and browser testing, we host the web site along with customer approval.

website hosting services


website hosting services

We have world No. 1 quick connectivity web server. It's strength of customer's business and their brand. It works 365x24x7 accurately.

web designing client documentation


web designing client documentation

Username and Password of FTP, E-Mail ID's and other required details will hand over to the customer in the form of printed document.



website programing team work
website programing team work

Prism Technology teamwork makes your business possible to deal with complex projects and produce quick results by harnessing the strengths of team members. Project management software team gathered together with team members who are working on a customer's project. Most team-based applications are powered by the latest technology of website design, web application development and mobile apps (iOS & Android apps) development.


web solution research based work
web solution research based work

The responsibility of company is to give a proper solution for their project based upon the research. We are working as per the research based thoughts regarding customer's expectation and desired latest technology. We have enough knowledge to promote the clients website in search engine. Our research team is researching the each and every latest technology in cyber world. That's why we are successfully done our projects by research based latest technology.


mobile compatability web design
mobile compatability web design

Generally, either customer is aware of web design, web application and mobile app or not. It is doesn't matter for our company because we respect all the clients are in equal status. We consider customer's economical situations and their expectation of project outcome. So, we have done a project with concern wireframe design technology. Therefore, customer doesn't suffer for anything. Prism Technology is more flexible whatever the customers required to do their projects.


website customer relationship
website customer relationship

In the world mostly the customers are suffer after sales service but Prism Technology knows customer's requirements. They are our identity of our company growth and development. So we will maintain infinity relationship to temporary or permanent customers frequently. We will give first priority at any time for any technical enquiries. For detail information regarding technology we will send through mail. The secret of our success is customer relationship.

Why Responsive your website?

Responsive web design can provide an admirable experience to a business man through its compatibility which could be optimized for all kinds of devices. You may wonder how and what these responsive web designs do, it is nothing but better web layout that uses advance technique for fluid layouts. Therefore, with responsive web design all can access the website on any gadgets or devices like Smart phones, Laptops, Television, iPad, Tablet and many more.

Resolution of gadget varies from one to one another but your website should appear attractive as for as you implemented responsive web design rather than ordinary websites.

As responsive web design has fluid grid structure, it combines with media and queries in your CSS. The factors that proves the responsive web design performances are as follow

  1. Using responsive web design your clients can browse your website in motion on their Smartphone or tablets.
  2. Responsive web designs speed the rendering process by rendering compatible versions of graphics and images on the browser.
  3. Overhead expenses for developing the number of versions can be reduced through employee such designs.

7 Strong Reasons for Responsive Design

When you have a website for a long time without any modification you might think of redesigning your website. We would say 7 basic reasons, why do you need site owners to redesign your website.

reasons for responsive web designing

1. Customer Satisfaction

As the competition in industry and global market is raising high, the site owners are necessary to maintain the website in accordance to the viewers taste using latest technology.

2. Mobile-Friendly

Most of the people use smart mobile phones to access any sites, hence designing a mobile friendly website is necessary to overcome the significant traffic and expand the ratio of ROI (Return On Investment) in terms of scales.

3. Responsive Web Design vs. Ordinary Website

The main responsibility of web designers is to expand the technological development. Website plays a vital role in showing off their business potential. Therefore, the developed website should support all kinds of media devices like tap, laptop and smart phones for better accessibility.

4. Wide Reach Demand and Uniqueness of Website

In order to tackle competition and improve the profit in your business, redesigning your website will increase the opportunity by enforcing new look and feel for your site to enhance appealing. If your website haven't updated for a long time it reduces the number of visitors because it makes the visitors leave the website within few minutes. Visitors always mean to have something attractive despite old data and boring.

5. Reorganized the Information

The site owners may think of reorganizing all the information available in their sites and it is possible by redesigning their websites. Therefore it is must to employ the latest information relating your products/brand to have a pleasant time during visiting and so you can maintain regular customer and gather new ones as well. At the same time the information of the content are effective tool for search engines like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Bing, Torch, Safari etc...

6. Innovative & Impressive Wireframe Web Design

Preferring a appropriate style for a website is significance to improve your business and brand. So understanding the requirements and redesigning the websites you need an innovative web designer to attract the visitors.

7. Future Customers

The entire aim of a re-design is to make a better understanding for your visitors. There are many approaches to attain such a goal and target audience. Maybe the website is a new look, a revised navigation scheme, or a complete renovate. Whatever the outcome of your website should reflect the company or brand behind the site and insure a sense of trust with you future customers.

Final Conclusion

The fore mentioned excellent reasons for "why the site owners need to redesign their websites."

our it servicing industries

Prism Technology, IT Solution Company fulfills the needs of any kind of companies at any corner of the earth by our well experienced professional software engineers. We have enough tools for fulfill their needs. We are developing the applications for below mentioned industrial segments.


Prism Technology the application development company consulting and information technology solutions offers to help you run enhanced and run in a different way. Our company proficiency and business solution potentials are both thorough and broad in various kinds of industrial services. Prism Technology professional leaders make us to help them work superior and work differently. Either its dynamic improvement or delivering new effectiveness and cost effective, Prism Technology the IT service company in Nagercoil is redefining the way corporate benefit from worldwide services.

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career opportunities
color up your business

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